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comments, twitter…

I recognized just a few hours ago, there were comments written, which needed to be approved…

Did so now and tried to respond to them – sorry for the delay and thanks a lot for your input/contributions!

As most people reading my blog do know already anyway and I no longer feel ashamed of using it…

My twitter username: foobarbablub – respectively the twitter page:

Polluting the twitter cloud with statements / impressions I don’t think they’re worth a whole blog post… most tweets are not related to technical / computer stuff by the way – used language is mostly English…

3 replies on “comments, twitter…”

Einfach nur klasse deine Impressionen aus Bali. 🙂 Ich hoffe du hast noch ne gute Zeit dort und berichtest weiterhin etwas.

Alles Gute dafür, bis dahin big up! bb

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