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some updates of what’s going on :)

Besides the ongoing work related to the Openmoko Freerunner <-> OpenWrt integration, I decided to focus on multimedia application ports for OpenWrt.

The Xbox Multimedia Center (xbmc ->, which I’m using (and lovin’) for several years on my Xbox now, was starting getting ported to Linux quite some time ago.
The port looks really promising, so I decided to start get it working within OpenWrt.

I already started porting some basic needed dependencies, including <(lib)boost> (, a apparently widely used c++ library set.
Because this project – ehrm – really resists all normal tries getting cross-compiled and staged (it does use an alternative to make called <bjam> which is better because of… – I really have no clue), I took a look how the OpenEmbedded-project got it done – and it helped! – technically as well as morally.

Besides giving me some hints how to workaround some of their (really weird) stuff, I “discovered” a comment in the middle of the file ( which I like to quote:

80 # Oh yippee, a new build system, it’s sooo cooool I could eat my own
81 # foot. inlining=on lets the compiler choose, I think. At least this
82 # stuff is documented…
83 # NOTE: if you leave on then in a debug build the build sys
84 # objcopy will be invoked, and that won’t work. Building debug apparently
85 # requires hacking gcc-tools.jam
86 #
87 # Sometimes I wake up screaming. Famous figures are gathered in the nightmare,
88 # Steve Bourne, Larry Wall, the whole of the ANSI C committee. They’re just
89 # standing there, waiting, but the truely terrifying thing is what they carry
90 # in their hands. At first sight each seems to bear the same thing, but it is
91 # not so for the forms in their grasp are ever so slightly different one from
92 # the other. Each is twisted in some grotesque way from the other to make each
93 # an unspeakable perversion impossible to perceive without the onset of madness.
94 # True insanity awaits anyone who perceives all of these horrors together.
95 #
96 # Quotation marks, there might be an easier way to do this, but I can’t find
97 # it. The problem is that the user.hpp configuration file must receive a
98 # pre-processor macro defined as the appropriate string – complete with “‘s
99 # around it. (<> is a possibility here but the danger to that is that the
100 # failure case interprets the < and > as shell redirections, creating
101 # random files in the source tree.)

Reading this really made my day 🙂

Anyway – boost is ported and working on OpenWrt now, but that’s only the head of the list of dependencies for getting xbmc compiled and running –
any help here – packaging requirements for xbmc for OpenWrt – is highly appreciated!

2 replies on “some updates of what’s going on :)”


I am trying to port XBMC to OpenWRT on an x86 platform.

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks & Regards,

Your call for help is not quite specific 🙂
Glad though somebody is going to pick-up this topic again!

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